martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Small quail. Small round head with slight rounded crest. Round body with very short tail. Male with bold black-and-white face pattern, black chin, dark chest with many small white spots, and streaks and bars across back. Female brown with indistinct head pattern like male's.

The Montezuma Quail usually crouches and stays still when danger threatens, and then explodes into flight from a leaping start if the danger comes too close. In captivity, even with clipped wings, it can leap at least 2 m (6.5 feet) straight up, often with enough force to cause severe injury or death if it strikes the roof of a cage.

Both Sexes
7.9–9.1 in
20–23 cm
16.1–16.9 in
41–43 cm
4.3–8.1 oz
122–230 g
Other Names
  • Harlequin Quail
  • Colin arlequin (French)
  • Codorniz Moctezuma (Spanish)

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Rusty Crowned Ground Sparrow

Rusty Crowned Ground Sparrow
Melozone kieneri
Rascador Nuca Rufa
Of the trio of ground-sparrows in the genus Melozone, this is the least striking looking. Some recent molecular evidence also suggests that it may in fact be more closely related to the brown towhee group, and not part of Melozone. It is a species with a rusty crown and head, darker forehead, and grayish auriculars; white eye crescents contrast strongly on the face. It is whitish to grayish below, with a distinct black central spot on the breast. Unlike the other ground-sparrows, this is a Mexican endemic found from southern Sonora to south to northwestern Oaxaca. Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow typically is a ground foraging species, and stays relatively well hidden in shrubbery or thickets in the edge of dry forest. The song includes high pitched chips as well as louder whistles, one song type sounds like “tzip tzip Chup Sweeet!”  Due to its limited distributional range, Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow is a focal species in proposed conservation plans of different natural areas of Mexico.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

Orchard Oriole

Orchard Oriole
Icterus spurius
Bolsero Castaño
 — en Ceuta, Sinaloa, Mexico.
The Orchard Oriole swaps the typical flame-orange of other orioles for a deep, burnished russet. Hopping among riverine shrubs or scattered trees, male Orchard Orioles sing a whistled, chattering song to attract yellow-green females. The smallest of North America’s orioles, it gleans insects from foliage and builds hanging, pouchlike nests during its brief breeding season, and then heads back to Central America for the rest of the year. Orchard Orioles also feed on fruit and nectar in orchards, gardens, and elsewhere.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

 Nombre científico: Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, Nombre común: Pelícano Blanco americano, Nombre en ingles: American White Pelican, una especie migratoria para las tierras sinaloenses, y que se distribuye desde canada, a través de México, hasta centro américa, son aves de gran tamaño, incluso mas que sus parientes, el pelícano pardo, se les puede ver en la temporada invernal, en la costa y en aguas tierras adentro, como en lagunas, lagos y presas, son muy vistosos, por su gran pico color amarillo, y su color negro en las puntas de las plumas que al volar son mas evidentes.

martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Neotropic Cormorant

Phexacoralario brasilianus registro de isla patos en bahía de ohuira, cercano al puerto de Topolobampo, según los registros esta es la especie de cormorán con la distribución mas amplia entre los cormoranes, sin embargo poco se sabe de su historia de vida, en esta isla se le ha observado anidando, junto a otras colonias de cormoranes y garzas.

Brown Pelican

La especie Pelecanus occidentalis especie residente de las costas sinaloenses, este ejemplar se encontraba a las orillas de la zona de embarcadero en la bahía de ohuira en ahome, Sinaloa, esperando por algo de comida por parte de los pescadores que laboran en la bahía y alimentan con las sobras de lo que pescan en la bahía.