martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Small quail. Small round head with slight rounded crest. Round body with very short tail. Male with bold black-and-white face pattern, black chin, dark chest with many small white spots, and streaks and bars across back. Female brown with indistinct head pattern like male's.

The Montezuma Quail usually crouches and stays still when danger threatens, and then explodes into flight from a leaping start if the danger comes too close. In captivity, even with clipped wings, it can leap at least 2 m (6.5 feet) straight up, often with enough force to cause severe injury or death if it strikes the roof of a cage.

Both Sexes
7.9–9.1 in
20–23 cm
16.1–16.9 in
41–43 cm
4.3–8.1 oz
122–230 g
Other Names
  • Harlequin Quail
  • Colin arlequin (French)
  • Codorniz Moctezuma (Spanish)

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